The checklists start to pile up.
It's time to tell the landlord we're leaving soon.
It's time to write meal plans to use up whatever mysterious things that have made their way to the way back crevices of the freezer and pantry.
It's that time when the dog starts to notice that something is happening and gets a little anxious.
It's that time where we still have quite a bit of time, but the checklist lover in me is getting antsy to check off all of the lovely boxes.
Getting ready mode. I like it, and I dislike it, all at the same time. But really, it's just another season to go through. A season to embrace. A season not to rush through.
I really, truly, love moving. The goodbyes and the packing? Not so much. But the anticipation of a new place, and new people, and reconnecting with other people? That gets me excited. The thought of getting in a car and driving through states I have never seen before? Also exciting.
This military lifestyle that we live has taught me a lot - and I hope it continues to. It has taught me to know when to embrace and to know when to let go. It has taught me to be okay with not knowing. It has taught me to differentiate between the things that really matter, and the things that I can live without. It has taught me to be organized, and ready, but also to wait, and be flexible.
Keagan is finishing up his last few days of BOLC (artillery school). After that, he has about a month of Marine-specific training. Then, it's most likely a visit back home for the Holidays, before driving out to California. This move will be a little different, as it is not "temporary." If all goes as planned, California will be our new home for three years. That is hard to imagine. I am excited. Excited, but also nervous that I will get restless. As always though, I can't wait to see what our next adventure holds.