Sunday, October 18, 2015

Light Cannot Be Defeated By Darkness

I don’t know why I always run from what I know to be true. Life is really so much simpler than we let it be. We know what makes us struggle. We know when too much is too much. We know that life is difficult, and we wallow in it, instead of succeeding. We do the simple, instead of the fulfilling. We complain that the fulfilling requires too much effort. We pretend that the obstacles have beaten us, instead of accepting the truth that we must push, just a little bit harder. We must become just a little bit stronger. We must pull ourselves up and try again.

We must not slip from our true identities.

Yes, it is true that our lives are fragile and fleeting. Pain, struggle, difficulty, confusion – it is all inevitable. Yet, there’s beauty in that, I think. It’s tragic, but we are strong. We learn to heal ourselves by the grace of God. We learn to help others see that grace, the grace that is so free and so powerful, yet often overlooked.

I cannot go on without accepting my shortcomings.
I cannot keep hiding my voice, my voice that comes out in writing, and in quietness.

So many lies are fed to me constantly. The thoughts come often. I know that thoughts are not always honest and that they can be defeating, deafening, distracting, and untrue. Yet, when the thoughts come often, I begin to believe them. I begin to believe that they have a reason for returning. I begin to believe that they will be successful in causing defeat, deafness, and distraction.

I need to fight. I am in the midst of a battle that may not ever be won in my life here on Earth. Yet, I will never let up until the truth, and the life, and the good, defeats the one who wants to defeat me so badly. In the end, the ones who admit weakness, will be the strong. The ones who ask to be held, will be held. The ones who have been defeated the most, will at last see the greatest light. The light cannot be covered by darkness. That, is a promise. That, is a truth. That, is what I will believe.
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