Sunday, February 9, 2014

Just dropping in

A week and a half ago, Pensacola had an ice-storm. Well, it was basically just ice, but in a city that's not built for or prepared for ice...everything shut down. The schools had closed for two days before the temperatures even dropped into the 40's and there was only a chance of ice. It was strange looking out the windows and seeing cars covered in ice. No one had scrapers to clean their windshields, the city didn't have trucks to salt the roadways, all of the bridges were shut down (even when the temperature was back to 50° and the sun was shining), and no one went to work. No one. The power went out in parts of town. We went outside, scraped the car off like pros, and tried to run errands. However, we were stopped when we came to a tiny little bridge that the police were blocking off. So, we went home and enjoyed our "ice day." Florida is a funny place to live.

Because of the ice-storm, Keagan started IFS on Friday the 31st, instead of Wednesday. Rather, he got to help me take care of 3 kids and 2 dogs for 3.5 days. Yep, we got to play "Mom" and "Dad" for awhile, while our friends took an anniversary trip to Tampa. Let me tell you, the pace we're used to was thrown out the window, but it wasn't so bad. We had fun stepping back to the land of fairy tales, dress-up, "hot lava", and more.

This past week, started out with Keagan reporting every day (and taking a few tests), and me interviewing and attending orientation for a new volunteer opportunity. We're both excited to move on to our new schedules, but are still enjoying the amount of "free-time" we get to spend together. The studying isn't so bad for Keagan yet, so I'm enjoying that while it lasts.

Other than that, things are pretty casual here. I've been looking for nice walking trails, and trying to train my dog not to throw all her good habits out the door as soon as we cross paths with someone else. (tips???) Keagan is trying to be as patient as possible while waiting to hop in a plane and fly. We're both watching bits and pieces of the Olympics and I was able to identify one of the skier's Minnesota accents and felt like a total dork.

Life's good here in Florida. It really is. We can't believe that a year ago we were still living in Iowa, not knowing when Keagan's career would start. So much has happened since then, and now, we're enjoying every second and every stage.

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