Sometimes I feel like Anne Shirley and I are very much the same person. I would so love to be wandering through the woods, reading a dreamy sounding novel outloud, and shirking the responsibilities that are screeching at me (sometimes literally) from inside the building. But the bad news is, I'm in Iowa, I don’t have a set of woods to wander through, and wandering through the woods and reading a novel doesn’t do much for the bank account. I guess if I have to have a job though, I want it to be something I enjoy, or at least feel accomplished doing.
The bottomline is, work isn't meant to be fun...all of the time. Contrary to what The Office has taught me, I have to at least get some work done during the day. Today, though, I'm thinking about how thankful I am to have this job- and to have had the jobs I've had in the past. This is the 7th job I've had so far (8th, if you count babysitting), and my 1st "adult" job. I'm also thinking about how thankful I am that I took the job that I took in college- pretty much out of desperation. I applied seven places, and only got one interview. That job that I thought I didn't really want, ended up being one of the highlights of my college career and helped me land my current job. Whoa. talk about someone else having a better plan for me than myself.
Since working in an office,
I've had a lot of papercuts on my fingers. One on my nose, too, but that only happened once.
I sneeze. A lot. Sometimes in my hair, but that only happened once too. And that was embarrassing.
I key orders a lot, but I also think a lot. I have to continue my discipline of controlling my seemingly uncontrollable thought world and being disciplined to focus on work.
I’ve realized it’s really easy to hide out in my cubicle- but it’s more enjoyable to try to socialize with other co-workers when possible. Breaks are a good chance to sit down with my bran muffin and talk- even if just about the weather (which Iowa definitely keeps interesting).
I’ve learned that walking laps in a small storage warehouse can sometimes be the best stress-relief/energy boost, although, I’m not good at sharing that space. On my afternoon breaks, I tend to need that 15 minutes of quiet alone time.
Starting full-time and moving to part-time was/is the biggest blessing. It fits our lives perfectly, for now.
I've realized that in order for me to function most efficiently, I need to keep my desk and computer and clean and organized as possible. At the end of the day, I have to hang up my headset, file away my orders, stack my notebooks and pen, and throw out any unneccesary notes. Then I feel like I'm truly done with work for the day- everything is in it's place and I can go home and leave it all behind.
Water. Water, water, water. I have a 32 oz. bottle on my desk and drink all day long. If I don't finish at least bottle #2 before I go home, I stay until it's gone.
This job has been a blessing.
Speaking of blessings,
after I finish the late shift tonight, we're packing up and heading to Minnesota! Yay! We get to spend Easter with both of my Mom and Dad's sides of the family and we are so excited. Plus, it's sixty degrees right now, so that's pretty neat.
Have a Happy Easter Weekend everyone! Remember the reason that we celebrate.