Can I tell you a secret? I kind of like moving and packing...when I have the time to focus on it. It's kind of fun taking things off the wall, out of drawers, and off shelves, and then trying to fit everything in boxes. It's like a puzzle. The organizer in me gets a chance to shine as I take care of all the little things one has to take care of when moving states away. I get to slap together a moving binder with emergency numbers, move-in paperwork, orders, and so on. I get to write so many lists, cleaning lists, lists of things to pack separately. I get to pack a box that I call the "First-Box-to-Unpack-Box." It consists of toilet paper, towels, a shower curtain, pillows, blankets, an air mattress, puppy stuff, paper plates and silverware, and something to snack on. You know, so the first night at our new place is somewhat comfortable. I'm enjoying this and so ready.
Let me be honest though, that's on the good days.
Normally, the organizer in me does really enjoy it, but sometimes, I'm a normal human too. Moving can be downright crazy. There's a lot of loose-ends to tie up and paperwork to make sure you complete correctly. Your mind is spinning with a million different tasks you absolutely can't forget about. You forget that your husband will be home in an hour and you're still responsible to feed him. Sometimes, you simply can't make all of the arrangements and have to trust that things will fall into place once you get there. You start to realize what things you're going to miss and how you're going to have to learn a new place all over again. You worry about your favorite fish-shaped platter breaking because you are no doubt going to drop a box down three flights of cement stairs.
Honestly, some days you just go crazy. Don't forget that you're totally capable though. You're able to adapt and get everything done. Sail through those days that your motivation is running free, and push through the days where you just want to sit in the middle of the cardboard boxes and hug your puppy. Remember, you're becoming kind of awesome at this packing and moving thing.
We can do it, you guys. We really can. It's another adventure and we're ready.
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